Effective support of modern systems and equipment requires, more than ever, the right elements of support to be where they are needed, in the right amount, and at the right time. To achieve this requires knowledge of what is needed, where, and in what quantities to meet operational needs. To gain this knowledge ALE performs a comprehensive assessment of logistic support needs (such as tools, test equipment, spare and repair parts, facilities, and manpower & personnel), effectively develops the logistic support products needed, and accomplishes planning to get those support items where and when they are needed. This planning is effectively achieved by ALE’s approach to logistic support analysis, provisioning, and supply support.

ALE has over 40 years experience in effectively defining and building logistic support systems for complex equipment and systems. We apply Product Support Analysis (PSA) and Supply Support analysis techniques to define cost effective support systems. Our experienced team of technical writers and provisioners then develop the documentation required to support fielding and life cycle operation and maintenance. We specialize in maintenance plans, operation and maintenance manuals, provisioning technical documentation, engineering data for provisioning, and training materials.
Maintenance Planning
Using our diverse staff of operators, maintainers, and engineers, ALE has developed a unique perspective for understanding and planning for the logistic and support requirements associated with our customers’ products. The objective of ALE’s maintenance planning efforts is to identify, plan, resource, and assist in implementation of maintenance concepts and requirements to ensure the optimal equipment/system availability to the customer at the minimal Total Operating Cost (TOC).
Product Support Analysis (PSA)/Logistics Support Analysis (LPD)
A Proven Method to Reduce Ownership Cost and Improve Operational Availability
PSA is a systems engineering-based process that influences the requirements for design of complex systems and equipment to reduce support burdens and ownership cost, and defines a cost-effective concept for the support of those systems and equipment. For over 36 years, ALE has successfully applied the PSA methodologies of GEIA-STD-0007B and TA-STD-0017 (previously known as MIL-STD-1388-2B and -1A). ALE’s unique techniques to tailor PSA/LPD efforts cost-effectively achieves the unique PSA/LPD requirements of each program.
Technical Publications
Technical documentation is required in every facet of any production and maintenance plan. ALE has a highly capable team of technical writers and illustrators prepared to generate this data for you. Our experience includes preparing technical manuals, training materials, and analysis reports for clients extending into both military and commercial markets.
ALE is well-versed in the current tools associated with presenting product operations and support information to the customer. We have successfully produced page-based and SGML technical publications. We have staff experienced in applying the tenants of XML/SGML to the development of technical data packages, using the guidance of ASD S1000D, and the software programs needed to manage and integrate these data elements into the overall program.
Familiarization Training
Cost-effective Development of Training Material and Conduct of Training
ALE’s training services include accomplishment of training needs analysis using Systems Approach to Training (SAT) techniques to ensure the most cost-effective training methods are employed. ALE’s specialized approach to training program development focuses on integration of logistics and supportability analysis results, as well as maximizing interactive/hands-on opportunities.
Supply Support
Defining what Supply Items are Needed to Support the System
ALE’s supply support services include the determination of the range and depth of spares and repair parts, and recommendation for supply inventory levels at the recommended supply locations. Supply delay time is the greatest contributor to equipment downtime, and therefore the greatest contributor to reduced system operational availability. ALE’s approach to supply support analyses utilizes results from the logistic support analysis and a combination of computerized spares optimization models and experience to ensure our recommendations provide the best value to our customers.
Documenting the Data Needed to Purchase Supply Support Items
In addition to knowing the required range and depth of spares, purchasing of those items requires a defined set of data. For military programs this is commonly known as provisioning data. ALE has the tools and experience to develop provisioning data to meet your commercial or military program needs.
ALE is adept at extracting the pertinent program data and documenting it consistent with the maintenance strategy, allowing for implementation of a cost effective support system. With tools like ICAPS and a common-source LSA database (LSA-036 report), current Provisioning and Technical Data (PTD) can be maintained on a program, thus allowing for alternative support options to be considered later in the product life cycle.