ALE’s performance based workshops provide our clients with valuable information and resources to better conduct their business.

Performance Based Supportability (PBS)
Performance Based Supportability (PBS) is a systems approach to achieving high levels of customer satisfaction by designing the end products and their related support to meet supportability performance measures. PBS involves six steps, beginning with requirements definition and ending with product improvements to operational systems.
This three-day workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the background and approach for applying PBS. This course is designed to help engineers and logisticians develop the detailed skills involved in applying each of the steps of PBS to programs. The approach described is directly applicable to programs of all sizes in the public and private sectors. It is particularly well-suited for application in the Integrated Product Team (IPT) environment.
It is expected that participation in the workshop will provide an understanding of what is involved in applying PBS. This workshop is designed to help logisticians develop the detailed skills involved in applying each of the steps of PBS to programs.
Performance Based Logistics (PBL)
Performance Based Logistics (PBL) is the current approach for reducing the logistic footprint in operational environments while increasing overall warfighting capability and reducing cost. It calls for establishing long-term agreements between the developer and the warfighter on exactly what the support requirements are and how they will be satisfied. These Performance Based Agreements (PBAs) are then broken down into commitments between the program office, internal DoD support activities, and contractors to provide support over the life of the system in peacetime and wartime.
This three-day workshop is designed to increase effectiveness in establishing and operating PBL programs. It is based on DoD and DoN guidance on PBL as well as experience in a series of successful PBL-based programs. The workshop will help participants develop confidence in working on PBL issues, understand current PBL guidance and public law related to PBL, and learn how to relate PBL metrics to warfighter needs.
To be effective, each of the participants in a PBL program must understand the performance criteria involved and how they are measured. There are two upper levels of supportability performance measures: Total Ownership Cost and Operational Availability. These, in turn, are controlled by a wide range of lower-level parameters, such as Mean Time Between Failure, Mean Time to Repair, Diagnostic Effectiveness, Waiting Time, etc. This workshop will focus on the relationships between the upper-level parameters that contribute to top-level metrics. It will address how these parameters are calculated and how they are measured.
Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Metrics
This three-day workshop is designed to develop the skills of logistic engineers, designers, and systems engineers in setting meaningful logistic performance measures and evaluating the performance of systems against those measures. Methods presented in this workshop are compatible with systems analysis, concurrent analysis, and logistic support analysis.
PBL is the current approach for reducing the logistic footprint in operational environments while increasing overall warfighting capability and reducing cost. It calls for establishing long-term agreements between the developer and the warfighter on exactly what the support requirements are and how they will be satisfied. These Performance Based Agreements (PBAs) are then broken down into commitments between the program office, internal DoD support activities, and contractors to provide support over the life of the system in peacetime and wartime. Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5000.1 requires that program managers develop and implement performance based logistics strategies that optimize total system availability while minimizing cost and the logistic footprint.
Systems and logistic processes can only be improved scientifically if there are meaningful performance measures against which to evaluate performance. As we design new systems or logistic processes to support existing systems, we measure the efficacy of these systems by evaluating their logistic performance measures.
Techniques addressed in this workshop are used to effectively develop logistic performance measures for use in Performance Based Logistics (PBL) agreements. It prepares attendees for structuring PBL agreements that meet warfighter sustainment needs and reduce costs.
We Can Tailor Workshops
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Use the form to the left to inquire about our logistics analysis, specialty analysis services, and integrated logistic support workshops.
Workshops are offered on a regional basis or as in-house training programs. When conducted in your company, the size of the group and the sample problems can be tailored to your specific programs. This method often results in the identification of cost avoidance opportunities exponential to the cost of the workshop itself. The cost of a typical in-house workshop is less than sending five employees to a regional workshop, and the opportunities for staff development are much greater.