ALE’s reliability workshops provide our clients with valuable information and resources to better conduct their business.

Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Analyses and Management
Modern complex systems and equipment programs present challenging system operational availability and affordability requirements. RMA analyses provide the theoretical and practical tools to specify, predict, design in, test, and demonstrate the probability of items (from individual parts up to entire systems) to perform without failure for desired time periods in specified environments. RMA analyses also enable the monitoring and feedback of item/system performance to all concerned organizations, and allow implementation of any needed corrective actions.
This three-day course provides engineers, program managers, systems designers, and logisticians with practical knowledge of the elements of a successful RMA program. Workshop participants will learn to specify, plan, and manage RMA programs; and recognize what challenges exist and how to overcome them. Real-world examples are used throughout the workshop to illustrate key learning points, and practical exercises are accomplished to reinforce workshop objectives.
The desired learning outcome for the workshop is to develop an understanding of the interrelationship between the disciplines and to learn proper techniques for implementation of a RMA program. Participants will gain practical knowledge of the elements of a successful RMA program, including Program Development and Management, and how to apply them to improve RMA and reduce life cycle cost.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is the most commonly applied deductive reasoning technique used to identify potential product and process failure modes and their subsequent effects. FMEAs commonly are applied for the following purposes:
- Eliminating product or process downtime
- Eliminating undesired failure modes through design improvements
- Reducing the effects or probability of failure mode occurrence
- Improving safety and availability of the product
- Providing critical inputs to product maintenance planning
- Improving customer satisfaction
This three-day workshop provides training on performing FMEAs using current methodologies. Attendees will become familiar with current FMEA techniques and develop hand-on experience in applying these techniques using sample products. Selected examples will be used to demonstrate FMEA product and process applications. As an exercise, attendees will set up and perform a FMEA on a product and a process. Results will be documented in accordance with industry standards. Attendees will discuss how to communicate and use results of other analyses to improve their company’s or team’s products or processes.
The FMEA workshop can be tailored to use your company’s product as the sample. This will provide attendees with relevant analysis experience. The workshop also can be tailored to focus on either the Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) approach or the Department of Defense (MIL-STD-1629) approach.
We Can Tailor Workshops
To Fit Your Requirements
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Use the form to the left to inquire about our logistics analysis, specialty analysis services, and integrated logistic support workshops.
Workshops are offered on a regional basis or as in-house training programs. When conducted in your company, the size of the group and the sample problems can be tailored to your specific programs. This method often results in the identification of cost avoidance opportunities exponential to the cost of the workshop itself. The cost of a typical in-house workshop is less than sending five employees to a regional workshop, and the opportunities for staff development are much greater.