ALE’s workshops have been developed to meet the varying needs of our clients. They cover the general field of logistics analysis, specialty analysis services, and integrated logistic support. Upon request, ALE will develop or adapt workshops to meet the specific needs of a client.

Workshops are offered on a regional basis or as in-house training programs. When conducted in your company, the size of the group and the sample problems can be tailored to your specific programs. This method often results in the identification of cost avoidance opportunities exponential to the cost of the workshop itself. The cost of a typical in-house workshop is less than sending five employees to a regional workshop, and the opportunities for staff development are much greater.
Whether regional or in-house, our workshops are geared toward hands-on exercises that rapidly develop the participants’ understanding and working knowledge of the subject.
ALE offers workshops on the following topics:
- Introductory
- Analysis
- Reliability
- Logistics
- Performance Based
- Data Management